When you find yourself short of cash, it is easy to immediately go to outright selling things to resolve the problem. Although, ammunition does not fall under that category. That is why Casino Pawn & Guns offers secured loans to pawn ammo with us. Whether you bring in your complete boxes of ammo with your firearm, or alone, you can get a collateral loan. No matter what brand or caliber of cartridges you have, we want to help! A pawn loan can offer you cash you need today, with 90 days to satisfy the loan and have your valuables back in your possession.
What Ammunition We Offer Loans On
Although, we can offer secured lending on ammo, if you are needing a specific amount, we advise to bring it along with accessories or the firearm. Because we can bundle everything together, increasing the cash amount possible.
Whether you have rimfire, centerfire or shot shell cartridges, we are open to make you an offer for a pawn loan. In addition, we all know that although your firearm can only use a certain size or caliber of a cartridge, the type is the biggest variable. However there is no type of cartridge that we turn away, but we do not accept any loose or reloaded ammunition for pawn loans. Whether they are round-nose, jacketed, or a kind of wadcutter, we gladly accept full and complete boxes of the following brands of ammunition:
- Hornady
- Federal Premiums
- Remington
- Winchester
- Speer
- Nosler
- And many more!
The assessment is easy. An associate will inspect any boxes not factory sealed, to ensure they are full and complete, matching the caliber and type indicated on the box. After that, we refer to the fair market value to determine the cash offer on a loan.
Upon accepting our offer, we will need a valid and current Arizona Driver’s License and a few signatures to complete the paperwork. Once that is done, we hand you the amount offered in cash.
Pawn Loan Terms
All of our pawn loans are for a duration of 90 days. Although, it is always in your best interest to pay it off as early as you can. Because you are not only paying the cash amount you were lent, but interest as well. Therefore, when you come in to pay off the loan, we pro-rate the interest to that date. However, if you cannot pay off the loan before the loan expires, we can offer an extension. With paying just the interest that has accrued, we can extend the loan for another 90 days. We are here to help, and will work with you so you will once again have your valuables, like intended.
Other Services We Provide
When it comes to selling, pawning or buying firearms, accessories and ammo, Casino Pawn & Guns is the place to come! We also accept aerosol guns and tactical gear to secure pawn loans or sell outright. The Casa Grande community has come to know that we are the pawn shop you can rely on!
We also provide FFL transfers in accordance with Arizona State Laws. This service is only $25 per transfer whether you are buying or selling firearms.